Hand-printed books of poetry,
Plus tips and supplies for fellow letterpress printers.

Recommended Reading

Most of these are out of print (and out of date in places). We sell a few books, as do the Private Libraries Association. In America, try the Oak Knoll Press. Amazon Marketplace and eBay are good sources too, but some books (particularly on Amazon Marketplace) are being sold for silly money.

Printing for Pleasure

John Ryder, The Bodley Head Ltd, ISBN: 0370104439

We've been recommending this book to beginners for 40 years and it's still the book to set you off on the right tracks. It's an easy book to approach; quite short, without too much extraneous detail. It's especially relevant to Adana Quarto flatbed owners, as this was Ryder's press of choice and features heavily in the book. Do get the revised edition if you can.

We're not the only fans of Printing for Pleasure – The Fameorshame Press (US based) have a whole area of their website devoted to it. Definitely worth a read if you appreciate serious geekery!

Printing Explained

Herbert Simon and Harry Carter, Dryad Press

Recommended to us by David Chambers, who says it's just the thing for beginners. Originally printed in 1931, it commands quite a high price on the second-hand/collectable market, so it might be time to dig out your library card!

Printing and Publishing at Home

Roy Lewis and J.B. Easson, David & Charles PLC, ISBN 0715385100

This book will be of particular interest to anyone who wants to print books. Although some of it is out of date now, it still makes a good read.

Hand Bookbinding: A Manual of Instruction

Aldren A. Watson, Dover Publications, ISBN: 048629157X

This book was recommended to us by Ben Higgins and we think it's the bees knees for beginners. Outstandingly clear exposition of the sort of bookbinding techniques suited to small-scale private presses. We only have a couple of criticisms: There are occasional Americanisms (‘20lb Paper’ means nothing in Europe) and some vital supplier addresses (on page 22) are now changed: Hewit's, Russels and Talas.

Five Hundred Years of Book Design

Alan Bartram, British Library Publishing Division, ISBN: 0712347372

Very specific to its title and authoritative in that field. For lay-out hands (ie those compositors replaced by typographers).

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